Get Your Free Audiobook!

Your free audiobook is ready, and you’ve got a couple of options.

You can download the .m4b audio file containing all the individual chapters, and listen to it in your audiobook player.

You can also download as an .mp3.

Note for iphone users:

You can download it and listen on your iphone through your downloads, but if you are using “books” on iphone as your audiobook player, you will need to download it on your computer, and bring it into ‘Music’ on Mac OSX or iTunes on Windows. Then sync it to your iphone.

For android users:

If you need an audiobook player for your device, the following are available on google play store:

Smart Audiobook Player:

Sirin Audiobook Player:


You can also  listen immediately using the audio player at the bottom of this page.

The audio player will allow you to:

  1. view a list of all the chapters
  2. download the chapters individually
  3. open the audio player in its own window